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Animation Producers Guild
Student Club
Role: Co-President (August 2023 - June 2024)
When I was appointed co-president, the council consisted of four officers. None of us had been on APG's council before and none of the other officers had been on a club council. Thankfully my experience on WIA SCAD's council prepared me to step up and lead. I ended up mirroring a lot of the systems for APG that I implemented with WIA SCAD.
Discord Server
For example, the council needed a communication platform. So I ended up duplicating the WIA SCAD Council Discord server for APG's Council Discord server since I planned on running APG with a similar organization system.

In addition, I reorganized the club's Discord server to be more concise (similar to WIA SCAD's) while also preserving what already existed.
Click on the images to expand.

Discord's Spring 2023 update included an events feature in servers. I took advantage of this feature to announce events and gauge the interest of attendees in advance.

Google Drive
APG had an active Google Drive, but it was not organized. As a result, I ended up organizing the Google Drive for current and future councils, again, similar to WIA SCAD's since I planned on running APG with a similar organization system. Organizing the Google Drive helped the current council easily find the work of past councils that they wanted to incorporate ideas from.
The Google Drive is organized into four major folders associated with the main groups that the council engages with: the council, the club, and the Inter-Club Council (ICC). Lastly, any important resources that need to be easily accessed and found are in a separate folder.
Within each folder (other than 0. Important Resources), there are yearly folders and quarterly folders to compartmentalize the council's work in the Google Drive.

Council Responsibilities
A system I created is a spreadsheet that delegates and details all of the council's responsibilities that need to be completed regularly, biweekly, quarterly, and yearly in order to run the chapter. As a result, the current and future councils can easily delegate responsibilities based on availability, visualize their assigned responsibilities at a glance, and refer back to them when needed.
I also outlined the events and types of meetings that the club hosts or participates in so that future councils have an idea of what to schedule for the year.
Club Agenda
When it came to scheduling club meetings, I created a spreadsheet for the council that included meeting details, links to the promotional materials, and links to the meeting materials. The council could easily follow the club's schedule, find the necessary administrative materials in one place, and the faculty advisors could easily sign up for the meetings they wanted to supervise.
Google Calendar
Once the schedule was established, I updated the club's Google Calendar, which our members could add if they used GCal. I also created a separate calendar for the council so the club's calendar would not be flooded with information that did not pertain to the members.

To foster a supportive community among SCAD's animation clubs, I reached out to the other animation clubs to add their Google Calendars. As a result, we could avoid scheduling conflicts or schedule collaborative events.

Club Meetings
A lot of the meetings that APG held while I was co-president were informational. As a result, I ended up creating a lot of presentations with my co-president to help us teach materials and concepts such as ShotGrid.
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